Project Name: Sateesh residence
Client: Mr. Yendluri Sateesh
Typology: Residence
Location: Vinukonda, Andhra Pradesh
Status: Ongoing
Site Area: 3,600Sq.Ft
Built-Up Area: 2,800Sq.Ft
Architects: Abhinav Bellam, Suriya Prakash

The project serves as a model flat for a 6 acres villa layout project as well as the residence of the landlord. An affordable classical style façade with a play of projections through an asymmetric composition while maintaining visual balance.


Double height entrance porch and door creates a strong focus or center while appearing grand and inviting. The garden on the east used for barbecues and outdoor cooking also acts as a physical and aural buffer.


Stepped massing with landscaped open sit-outs on the upper floors decongests and enhances the visual experience while treading between rows of villas.

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